Our team is dedicated to enhancing the skills and employability of young people and adults in Staffordshire. Find out more about our teams:
16-18 Participation and Skills team
We ensure suitable education/training opportunities, including support for those with special needs and also young people not in employment, education or training (NEET). You can find out more about the service we offer on our Staffs jobs careers resources website.
Roles you’ll find in our team include:
- Tracking and Engagement Advisers,
- Careers Advisers,
- Transition Mentors
- Skills and Further Learning Officers.
- Adult Learning and Skills
We deliver and commission learning for adults including wellbeing & independence, key skills, family progression and English speakers of other languages.
Some of the roles and careers available are:
Examinations and Admin Assistant – Assists tutors with admin tasks. Is also responsible for accurate data inputting.
Community Learning tutor – Typically qualified to level 3 in subjects they teach and will have a recognised teaching qualification.
We are currently working on Multiply, an exciting project to improve the numeracy skills of adult learners.
Digital Infrastructure
The Digital Infrastructure team’s mission is to ensure Staffordshire’s optimal connectivity. We aim to provide gigabit broadband access to rural areas and engage residents and businesses in digital connectivity. Our roles include:
Programme Manager: Oversees government projects, like Project Gigabit, and handles stakeholder communication.
Engagement Officer: Manages marketing, utilizing methods such as websites, social media, email, and events, to raise awareness of available services.
We’re dedicated to creating a well-connected Staffordshire, enhancing access to digital resources and services for all residents.
Have a look at our Gigafast Staffordshire website.
Employer Skills Partnerships
Our team unites post-16 training providers, employers, and stakeholders to align Staffordshire’s skills infrastructure with employer needs. Our goal is to ensure the right people are in the right jobs with the right skills. We provide a brokerage service, offering free recruitment and tailored support for businesses and residents in Staffordshire. Further details on the service can be found on the Staffs Jobs Careers website.
Additionally, we generate strategic evidence and intelligence to shape our corporate, economic, and skills strategies for Staffordshire. Currently, we’re developing the Staffordshire Employment and Skills Strategy (SESS) and supporting its evidence base.
As part of our commitment to growth, we consider recruiting apprentices to upskill our workforce. We offer diverse roles, including:
- Employment Brokers: Offering one-on-one support, career guidance, and job matching for residents.
- Learning & Skills Officers: Managing programs and providers to support learning and skills initiatives.
- Labour Market Research Officer: Producing labour market analysis, requiring a degree or higher with research experience.
- Finance Assistant: Handling payment reporting, data input, and collection.